Friday, November 29, 2024

Oracle EPM - Use Flex Forms in Smart View (Mac and Browser)

You can now use flex forms in Oracle Smart View for Office (Mac and Browser). 

Earlier, flex forms were available for use only in Oracle Smart View for Office.

Applies to: Enterprise Profitability and Cost Management, Financial Consolidation and Close, FreeForm, Planning, Tax Reporting

Flex forms are a form type that provide flexible row management in Smart View (Mac and Browser). Flex forms retain all regular form properties and features, such as running business rules attached to the flex form. 

Additionally, using flex forms, you can rearrange row members and sort or move rows. 

You can also open a flex form in ad hoc mode and use ad hoc analysis to modify the grid layout and submit data.

Business Benefit: Flex forms provide benefits of both forms and ad hoc grids, thus offering users the flexibility of ad hoc grid operations while ensuring the usability, control, and security of forms.

Steps to Enable

To enable flex forms during form definition in the web application, Service Administrators select Enable flex form on rowsEnable flex form on columns, or both options, under Smart View Options in the Layout tab to enable flex form-specific features.

Wednesday, November 13, 2024

Oracle EPM Reports - Run Time Prompts features

 Respond to Prompts While Running Books​

- Book users can now respond to prompts when executing a book.​

- Previously in books, any reports with prompts within the book needed to have the prompt selection defined by the book designer; prompts were not answerable by book users.​

- In this release, book users can now respond to prompts when executing a book, as well as have duplicate prompts combined to a single prompt. 

- Designers can still define prompt selections, if needed, for specific prompts if the selection needs to be hardcoded and not selectable by the book user.​

Thursday, November 7, 2024

Oracle EPM - Display Design-Time Formatting in Forms 2.0​

Display Design-Time Formatting in Forms 2.0​

In Smart View, you can now display formatting defined in the form when working with Forms 2.0.​

In 24.11+, form designers can add formatting rules to forms configured for Forms 2.0. This is often referred to as "design-time formatting."  

In Smart View, using the Apply options in the Formatting group on the provider ribbon, you can display cell styles, native Excel formatting, or the design-time formatting as follows:​

Cell Styles: Applies only cell styles to the form, such as read-only cells, locked cells, supporting detail, attachments, and so on. No custom (format-only) rules are applied. ​

Custom Styles: Applies format-only rules that were defined in the rule builder at design-time and Excel custom formatting that users can add in Smart View. 

No cell styles (such as read-only cells, locked cells, supporting detail, attachments, and so on) are applied.​

Custom and Cell Styles (default): Applies both cell styles (such as read-only cells, locked cells, supporting detail, attachments, and so on) and format rules (including Excel custom formatting added in Smart View) to the form. 

This is the default style option.