Friday, December 20, 2024

Introducing Cloud EPM System Reports in December 2024 release

- You can now generate Cloud EPM System Reports within Reports, specifically for the Cloud EPM business processes and components, such as Task Manager, Supplemental Data, and Enterprise Journals. 

- You can embed Data Tables within Reports to include system data, as required. 

- You can accomplish this by inserting a relational table into a report, connecting to a Cloud EPM business process schema, selecting members, and then generating a system report based on Cloud EPM relational system data. 

- You can also use some of the grid features in tables, such as member selector, prompts and POV, formatting, sorting, drill to content, conditional formatting/suppression, formulas, and grouping. The other Report features available with relational tables are charts, text boxes, books, bursting, and Excel output (reports only).

- In addition to Cloud EPM System Reports, you can also view the detailed descriptions of the Cloud EPM System Report data sources in a newly introduced Cloud EPM System Reporting Schema Reference Guide. This guide provides information about Report Tables, and how to incorporate additional Cloud EPM System Tables within your report. 

For more details, see Cloud EPM System Reporting Schema Reference Guide.

Import Reports Containing Relational Tables in Smart View

-You can now import formatted reports containing relational tables from Narrative Reporting and Reports in Smart View.

- To import a report with relational table, in the Smart View Home panel, navigate to the Reports folder. 

- Then, select the required report and click Import Formatted Report. 

- The report opens and displays the formatted relational tables. 

- You can click Refresh Report in the Smart View ribbon to get the latest data, if required. However, the options of Edit POV, Edit Prompts, and Analyze remain disabled for reports with relational tables and will be made available in a future release.

- Similarly, in Books, you can import a book that contains a report with a relational table in Smart View. However, the option of Edit POV is disabled for such reports.

Friday, December 6, 2024

Oracle EPM SmartView and using Flex Forms

 Use Flex Forms in Smart View (Mac and Browser)

You can now use flex forms in Oracle Smart View for Office (Mac and Browser). Earlier, flex forms were available for use only in Oracle Smart View for Office.

Applies to: Enterprise Profitability and Cost Management, Financial Consolidation and Close, FreeForm, Planning, Tax Reporting

Flex forms are a form type that provide flexible row management in Smart View (Mac and Browser). 

Flex forms retain all regular form properties and features, such as running business rules attached to the flex form. 

Additionally, using flex forms, you can rearrange row members and sort or move rows. 

You can also open a flex form in ad hoc mode and use ad hoc analysis to modify the grid layout and submit data.

Business Benefit: Flex forms provide benefits of both forms and ad hoc grids, thus offering users the flexibility of ad hoc grid operations while ensuring the usability, control, and security of forms.

Steps to Enable

To enable flex forms during form definition in the web application, Service Administrators select Enable flex form on rowsEnable flex form on columns, or both options, under Smart View Options in the Layout tab to enable flex form-specific features.

Oracle EPM Dec 2024 update for SmartView !!

 Invalid Members and Comments Retained in Ad Hoc Grids After Refresh

In Smart View ad hoc grids, you can now retain invalid members after refresh when the Service Administrator enables the new Keep Invalid Members/Comments option in the application settings of your business process.

Applies to: Enterprise Profitability and Cost Management, Financial Consolidation and Close, FreeForm, Planning, Tax Reporting

When the Keep Invalid Members/Comments option is enabled, you can detect:

  • Unknown or invalid members on a grid
  • Text typed outside the grid; for example, your own notes

Additionally, you can set a cell style for comments in Smart View that allows you to quickly and easily spot comment cells, including invalid or unknown members in the grid or pertinent notes you may have made on a sheet outside of the grid.

In the following example, the cell style for Comments is set to a pink background with bolded italic text. Two errors were made when entering member names. 

After refreshing the grid, note the invalid members in cells C2 and A4. Also note that the data entered remains on the grid and the data cells associated with the invalid members have no formatting applied.


Portion of a Smart View Ad Hoc Grid Showing Invalid Members

Users can replace the invalid members with the correct member names by using the Member Selection dialog or by hand-typing the correct member name. Refresh the grid again and note that the row member is placed correctly within the hierarchy and the data remains.


Portion of a Smart View Ad Hoc Grid After Correcting Invalid Members and Refreshing

Business Benefit: This feature allows users to quickly identify invalid members and comments in an ad hoc grid without losing their work during a refresh.

Steps to Enable

To enable users to retain invalid members in an ad hoc grid after a refresh:

  1. In the web business process, click Application, and then click Settings.

  2. In Application Settings, under Smart View Add-on, select the Keep Invalid Members/Comments check box. This check box is disabled by default.

  3. Click Save.

Tips And Considerations

  • In Smart View, invalid members are considered comments. Use Cell Styles to set a distinct style for comments to quickly note invalid members and comments on an ad hoc sheet.
  • In multi-dimension rows and columns, changing the member in the first column in the first row dimension or any of the rows in the first member column of the grid will result in an error. Changes to any other member cells will work as expected.