EPM Automate Support of Task Manager Commands
EPM Automate now supports the following Task Manager-related commands:
- deployTaskManagerTemplate
- exportTaskManagerAccessControl
- runTaskManagerReport
- setDemoDates
deployTaskManagerTemplate: This command deploys tasks from a Task Manager template into a task schedule ensuring consistent execution of repetitive business processes.
exportTaskManagerAccessControl: This command exports the details of users assigned to work within Task Manager to an Excel or CSV file.
runTaskManagerReport: This command generates reports that display data from Task Manager.
setDemoDates: This command helps you update the dates associated with tasks in Oracle internal demo data such as start date and end date of tasks, and ancillary dates including those of history, individual workflow due dates, and start date (actual).
Business Benefit: These commands enable the remote administration of Task Manager-related operations in Enterprise Profitability and Cost Management environments.
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