Monday, November 13, 2017

HFM and Timeout settings

Recently we had issues where users were getting Timeout message in HFM

Came across this article and thought would share in my blog.....

On OHS Server, add the following attributes to the mod_wl_ohs.config file. The WLIOTimeoutSecs setting to 6000 will allow a server process to run for 100 minutes without a timeout error in the browser. The complete description of these settings can be found here:

  1. On the EPM Foundation Web server go to folder
  2. Take a back up of mod_wl_ohs.conf
  3. Open mod_wl_ohs.conf. Locate the below section in the file:
    <LocationMatch ^/hfmadf>
       SetHandler weblogic-handler
       WeblogicCluster <cluster>:<port>
    By default there are no timeout settings defined here.
  4. Add the below 3 lines inside LocationMatch tag:
    WLIOTimeoutSecs 6000
    Idempotent OFF
    WLSocketTimeoutSecs 750
  5. After adding the above lines the section will look like this:
    <LocationMatch ^/hfmadf>
        SetHandler weblogic-handler
        WeblogicCluster <cluster>:<port>
        WLIOTimeoutSecs 6000
        Idempotent OFF
        WLSocketTimeoutSecs 750
  6. Save the changes
  7. Restart the OHS service (OracleProcessManager_ohsInstance)
  8. The above settings will allow the users to perform any HFM tasks that takes more that 5 minutes without any timeout errors.

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