Monday, April 4, 2022

Hyperion 11.2 Start and Stop script using a single script


Starting and Stopping EPM System Using a Single Script

Use a single script to start or stop all Oracle Enterprise Performance Management System services. EPM System Installer installs a single start script in EPM_ORACLE_INSTANCE /bin, called start.bat | .

Running the single start script on a machine in your EPM System deployment starts all EPM System services installed on that machine. The single start script works by calling the individual start scripts for every product.

The user running the start script should be a member of the Administrators group.

To start EPM System services:

  1. From the Start menu, select Oracle EPM System, and then Start EPM System.
  2. Run this start script on each machine in your environment.

After the single start script completes, you can run Oracle Hyperion Enterprise Performance Management System Diagnostics to determine which services on a machine are running. See Validating the Installation and Verifying Deployment.


To stop EPM System services: A single stop script is also installed in EPM_ORACLE_INSTANCE /bin, called stop.bat | . Running the stop script on a machine in your EPM System deployment stops all EPM System products on that machine. To stop services, from the Start menu, select Oracle EPM System, and then Stop EPM System.

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